There is no hope! The islamofascists will win. The world has not been able to develop a solution against them. Their goal: To Islamicise the world. Our Problem: We as believers in freedom and tolerance have not collectively concluded that this warped, sick ideology called islamofascism is beyond tolerating and that we must crush it NOW before it is too late. My greatest concern is that by the time we turn around and come to a concensus to develop a strategy against it, it might be too late.
The western world has the responsibility to remove these thugs from the planet and let people enjoy their lives. If Muslims want to celebrate death, go ahead and kill each other like in Iraq but please leave us alone. We celebrate life.
The concept of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" which has brought the world so much misery in the last century, is being transformed within Islam into the "dictatorship of the mullahs."
Perhaps the world is catching on - radical Islam is the biggest threat faced by the Muslim world, and it's dragging the rest of world down into its sewer.
Ah so its the wests fault? thats the islamic answer to everything.
Why is it, that Islamists are totally blinded to the fact they are destroying not only their countries, but their entire lives, in this blind following of a religion, which is totally self destructive?
I see no solution to this gargantuan brain washing, of centuries in the making, save elimination of the religion
I copied and pasted these from 2 pages out of 5 pages. Seems like these people really hate the idea of Islam, wonder if it is due ignorance. Its amazing how civilized societies talk about tolerance but it is acceptable to hate collectively. These haters as I can imagine are normal people just like any and I bet are capable of rationality. How one cannot see their governments are not perfect either (definitely governments are not the trump cards in Muslim world). All my dear islamophobes, if you have time and capacity please sit and think how many Muslims and how many westerners have been killed by each other ... more importantly count how many westerners have been killed in their own home and how many Muslims are killed in their home. In last 5 years About 3500 westerners and about 40000 Muslims have been killed … rough estimate. Go back couple of decades that number of westerners killed in their home remain about the same, but the number of Muslim deaths increases dramatically.
I do not blame your religion or any individual. Its just that democracy, Islam, right-of-return, ... become good pretext for the handful of powerful people to destroy other communities for economy interests. Please stop hating a community and start reforming your own system before trying to reform other systems. Stop your politicians from interfering in domestic issues of other countries. Lebanon has enough problems of its own, Lebanese can destroy their near future by a wrong decision, I agree. However, an external force should not destroy it for them, its Lebanese’s right to do what they want. There is always hope, if not in immediate future they will sort it out right after that. Please shed the veil of modesty and face reality, may be things will get better.
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